
Roadmap to Blog Outa Brooklyn

Thanks for visiting my blog. It is a sampler of my murder-memoir Boy Outa Brooklyn. The best way to enjoy it is to start at the first post and read chronologically. I hope you’ll find it both hilarious and horrifying.

I will also be posting about the best books, movies and songs about Brooklyn. And, sharing my practical and off-beat travel tips. If you enjoy my blog, please follow me. Hover your mouse in the lower right corner of the screen and a pop-up box will appear. Enter your email address and you’ll never miss one of my posts. Your address will not be sold or shared and you won’t be pestered with any sales cons.

Welcome to my Brooklyn,

Jack Antonio

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I Sing a Song of Covid

Admit it. You thought I was kidding when I said the Covid mania wasn’t over. You thought I was exaggerating about the insanity of masks. Welp…

Professional performers are now being asked (and in some cases required) to wear these singer’s muzzles while auditioning.

Keep in mind that performers in New York City (where 99% of professional auditions are held) have to travel through the filthy streets and ride the filthy subway to get to the audition room. No chance of picking up any Covid on that slog, I guess.

And they are being asked to not use the rest rooms on arrival unless absolutely necessary. So… no last minute freshening up and washing of hands before entering the audition room.

Yeah… you betcha these muzzles will keep those nasty Covid germs out of that room.

The science says so.

But, wait, we also have muzzles especially designed for widdle kid thespians. We want them to learn early that obedience to the state and self-abasement are the way to stardom.

Maybe this kid is auditioning to play Donald Duck.

Remember these muzzled morons will be spraying their spittle all over you the next time you go see some over-priced, over-praised Broadway musical. But, never fear, there are plans being proposed for all performers and audience members to be masked throughout all live theater performances.

Anyone else spot the incoherent, irrational bullshit being peddled here?

Answers on a postcard.


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Covid Rerun #12

Tell ya the truth, I ain’t a fan of the Indian subcontinent. Even as a kid, I tolerated Sabu movies on TV only coz I knew a movie about real Injuns like Tonto was sure to follow.

Sissy Injun
He-man Injun

The first TV commercial I remember seeing (circa 1955) showed a kid in the third world holding a begging bowl while flies crawled all over its face. That commercial is, in effect, still running some 67 years later. That tells you all you need to know about the effectiveness of charity, foreign aid and missionary work.

Then as a child of the sixties, I suffered (and I do mean suffered) through my generation’s pretentious flirtation with the sitar, Tiger Balm, yoga, karma and lentil curry.

Third World slop. All of it.

Age has not mellowed me. I lived in London for decades where I had more than enough “up close and personal” contact with the denizens of Hindustan to solidify my low opinion of them. So I am not prejudiced but postjudiced. I know the breed!

While you’ve been watching the Southern border, our ruling class has accelerated your replacement through a back door. Here’s a post I did about this latest invasion of our world.

I called it –


Even without hands these people look for a handout.



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Covid Rerun #11


That sound you hear isn’t Alka Seltzer tablets hitting water with the promise of relief to come.

No, it is the sound of athletes, celebrities, politicians, newscasters and assorted other imbeciles who took the Covid jabs dropping dead. And they are doing so at a rate of knots with no end in sight.

Not a day goes by without a front page story about someone collapsing on a sports field or TV screen without warning and from no apparent cause. And most of these corpses were in the prime of life!

Meanwhile, the experts assure us that these deaths had nothing to do with the fact that the dearly departed had been vaxxed to the gills!

As I’ve said, the most important histories of this sorry episode in human history will be those that delve into the emotional, psychological and sociological aspects of it.

Hey, it ain’t called Covid Mania for nuthin’.

The vaxxed ain’t called Covidiots for nuthin’ either!

Here’s a post I did that took a swing at analyzing the part that group dynamics played in the spread of this pseudo-plague-hoax-scam-racket. It makes more sense now than ever!

I called it –

Covid Answer #1



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Covid Rerun #10

You know how it is. You’re in the supermarket or the park or your car and you spot some stupid fuckin’ jackass wearing a mask.

You want to beat them to a bloody pulp.

But, alas, you don’t.

You sigh. You give thanks. You move on.

You despair.

And with the imbecile in the White House totally controlled by a certain group of rootless cosmopolitans who stand to profit from Covid mania, I fear we will be seeing these masked morons in our midst for the rest of our lives.

This post was a meditation on the ridiculous Covid mask mandates. And with some parents demanding the re-institution of masks in schools and the New York Times calling for masks in perpetuity for all, it has never been more timely.

I called it –

Masks Unmasked



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Covid Rerun #9

This Covid repost is about a bit of “found art” I spotted in a London tube station. It was almost too good to be true and definitely too good not to share.

There are books yet to be written about the surreal aspects of the Covid scam and the unintentional humor.

I called this post –

Who was that masked man?



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Covid Rerun #8

In the midst of a supposedly existential pandemic, I had the opportunity to sample the care and attention being paid to defending our air space from deadly Covid attack.

When I reread this post, I laughed.

I laughed to keep from crying.

I laughed to keep from screaming.

The level of incompetence and stupidity I experienced at major airports and on major carriers was truly gobsmacking.

So… I hope this post will give you a painful chuckle or two. I called it –

Covid Question #3

I’m still waiting for an answer.



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Covid Rerun #7

As Muhammad Ali or Mark Twain or Toots Shore or some other great wit of yore observed, “It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true.” Never has that been more true than in the case of your reporter’s brilliant post made on perhaps the single biggest secret of the Covid hoax.

Damn, I’m good.

Call me Dr. Sherlock Kildare.

Hell, I flunked all my high school science classes but I am blessed with an unerring nose for bullshit thanks to my Brooklyn upbringing. And, being congenitally politically incorrect, I have the annoying habit of noticing things.

Things like bullshit.

Things like bureaucrats inadvertently spilling the beans.

So… I was listening to a London talk radio station one day when… better yet… read about my devastating medical detective work in this post I called –

Covid Question #2



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Covid Rerun #6

For those of you who came in late, since President “I’m the dumbest fuck in the room” Biden extended the phony Covid emergency for another three months, I revisited my old posts on the subject. And, I was blown away by how prophetic I was and by how accurate my takes remain.

Nostradamus can kiss my ass!

Here’s a link to a prescient post about the “accuracy” of home test kits.

It’s a lollapalooza!

Covid Question #1

Dr. Frankenfauci at work in his lab.



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Covid Rerun #5

Folks this post on the Covid hoax was so prophetic it scared me to read it. Damn, I was soooo on the money!

Horrible to report, the co-plagues of Covid and “Ginge & Cringe” are still with us!

I called this one –

Pandemic Puzzles



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Covid Rerun #4

Some things hurt so good. And that’s true of this repost of what I encountered on my forced marches through the parks of London during the first two years of the Covid plan-demic. I had forgotten just how pitifully cowed my fellow prisoners were.

So while I was pleased to read how well I had evoked that dreadful time, it made my blood boil to recall the unquestioning obedience to the state of the sheeple of London. I want you to share my pain. So…

Here’s a link to the post I called –

Fear Stalks The Woods



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